Special Demolition Professional Group



Patrols were conducted in the Kinki region.

Thursday, August 1st, 2024

The dangerously hot days continue.
In addition to taking precautions against heatstroke, let’s take care of our health every day
to prevent heatstroke before it happen

ISO14001/ISO45001 external surveillance audit conducted

Monday, May 20th, 2024

We conducted recertification audits (renewal audits) for ISO14001 (environment) and ISO45001 (labor).
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those involved who cooperated and guided our ISO activities.

This year, the Construction Safety Group took the lead in this endeavor as well.
We are carrying out ISO activities that involve all employees, rather than just managers and promoters.
Rather than activities for the sake of audits, reviewing the implementation status of safety and health activities over the past year leads to new realizations.

In addition, it has been decided that all management system standards will be revised in September 2023 to include “consideration for climate change.”
Next year, we will work on ISO activities taking into account the revisions.

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